February 5, 2020

Postojna Cave, the most extensive cave system in Slovenia, recently hosted three members of SLIPKNOT: percussionist Shawn "Clown" Crahan, drummer Jay Weinberg, and the band's latest recruit, the percussionist nicknamed "Tortilla Man." Several photos from their visit can be seen below.

Tortilla Man joined SLIPKNOT nine months ago, when he was first featured in the video for comeback single "Unsainted". Since then, there has been much speculation about his name, with some SLIPKNOT fans getting quite obsessed with trying to work out the real identity of the band's latest recruit.

The latest photos, which were posted to the Postojna Cave Facebook account, support the theory that SLIPKNOT's newest member is the multi-instrumentalist Michael Pfaff. Pfaff played keyboards with Crahan in the band DIRTY LITTLE RABBITS and is also a member of the Iowa-based duo THE SNACKS.

Included in the image gallery is a picture of the page in the Postojna Cave visitors' book signed by the three members of SLIPKNOT, with the middle signature appearing to contain the word "Pfaff".

Pfaff's name was first brought up in relation to Tortilla Man last August when SLIPKNOT guitarist Jim Root gave an interview to "The Art And Span Show" in which he described the mystery man as "a world-class pianist" and "a great percussionist" who is "schooled in music."

Pfaff was apparently introduced to Crahan years ago by SLIPKNOT's resident DJ Sid Wilson, which may explain why Tortilla Man has such good onstage chemistry with Sid and Clown. In addition, Pfaff has a similar build and height as Tortilla Man, and Redditors have found that Pfaff's family members are following "#tortillaman" and other hashtags on social media related to the newest member of SLIPKNOT.

Crahan refused to reveal the identity of the band's mysterious new ninth member in an interview with Kerrang! magazine, saying it was "nobody's fucking business."

SLIPKNOT's previous percussionist, Chris Fehn, sued the band last March, claiming he hadn't been properly compensated for his years of touring and recording with the group. Fehn, a member since 1998, was officially dismissed from the band last year.

In an interview with Zane Lowe on Beats 1, SLIPKNOT singer Corey Taylor said Tortilla Man had won the respect of bands and fans. "He's doing great and is a great dude," he said. "He's killing it, man."

Asked how anyone becomes an official member of SLIPKNOT, Taylor said: "First of all, you've got to wear the tortilla on your face. And the audience has to figure out who you are. With Tortilla Man, it's kinda cool. It's brought this whole new energy to everybody as well, so it's a lot of fun to watch him as well."

SLIPKNOT's sixth studio album, "We Are Not Your Kind", arrived in August.

Postojna Cave hosted its very first Grammy winners: we had a visit from three members of the famous American heavy metal band Slipknot. ?

Posted by Postojnska jama Cave-Grotte-Höhle on Tuesday, February 4, 2020

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